By Eric Denton, Columnist
For many years Angels fans felt like the red-headed stepchild of Southern California baseball. However, times have changed and it’s the Halos time to shine. While the Dodgers still do well at the box office, they just aren’t the same franchise they used to be. The years of tradition they had were flushed down the toilet by FOX and Frank McCourt. Without further adieu I give you many reasons why there is room on the Angels bandwagon if you want to get off the sinking ship that is Dodgers baseball.
10. The Rally Monkey

Is there a team in baseball that gets more out of its mascot than the Angels? If the Angels are down in the later innings and those videos play, more often than not it spells doom for the visiting team. So much so that the Oakland Athletics will not watch the videos like other opposing teams do.
9. Angels fans stay for the entire game, less stabbings.

Southern California has the rap of the fans not showing up to the games on time and then leaving in the 7th inning. Not at Angels Stadium. The fans know if the Halos are down in the 9th inning a walk off victory could be just a few minutes away (The Angels had 4 in a 6 game series in June alone). And while you’re headed out of the park after a win, you’re much more likely to reach your vehicle without major blood loss.
8. Angels Stadium doesn’t smell like pee.

I’ve been to my fair share of stadiums; Oakland, San Francisco, San Diego, New York. However, I never experienced the discomfort I did the last time I was at Chavez Latrine; I was overwhelmed by the smell of urine coming from the men’s room. The odor wafted down from the concourse to the field seats. Disgusting!
7. Vin Scully is creepy.

Attention Chris Hansen, keep your eye on Vin Scully. Every time I tune into a Dodger game Scully will make creepy comments about the little boys and girls in the stands. He's a living legend, but he should've hung them up years ago.
6. Kevin Malone = FAIL

In 1999 the Dodgers general manager fired Mike Scioscia as manager of the Dodgers AAA team, which led to his hiring by the Angels. Since that time the Dodgers have had four managers, two of the celebrity type in Davy Johnson and Joe Torre and no World Series to show for it.
Well we know what has happened since Sosh took over. Since 2000, he’s brought the Angels their first World Series Championship and is currently leading all active managers is winning percentage. 751-624 (.547)
5. Angels Second baseman doesn’t look like a 1980’s porn star.

Enough said....
4. Angels are 14-7 in their last 21 meetings.
The lowly Kansas City Royals give the Angels a tougher time than the Dodgers. I used to make bets on the Freeway Series with the Dodger fans at my workplace. No more, they accept the inevitable and would rather keep their money. The Angels vs. The Dodgers has turned into those wrestling matches where King Kong Bundy would fight a little person.
3. FAIL, part 2.
In the winter of 2003, the Dodgers passed on signing then free agent Vladimir Guerrero. However, this wasn’t the first time the Dodgers missed out on Vladdy. In the Fox Sports produced “In My Own Words” it was revealed that the Dodgers also passed on signing the teenaged Guerrero because he was deemed “too fat”. Not to fret Dodger fans, you still have your memories of the Guerrero you did sign.
2. FAIL, part 3
Speaking of fat... Good call on signing Andruw Jones.
Torii Hunter was very interested in signing with the Dodgers. "The Dodgers are definitely near the top," Hunter told Yahoo! Sports. "With Joe Torre there, things have got to change. He's bringing his history with them. I'm telling you, they're going to start winning."
Hunter was no soothsayer, that’s for sure, and luckily for him, Angels GM Tony Reagins stepped in and stopped Hunter from wasting the next 5 years of his life.
1. Arte Moreno vs. Frank McCourt.

From the day he took over as owner of the franchise Moreno has put the fans first. From lowering beer and concession prices and has shown a willingness to spend money when the team needed a boost from a free agent. The team has won the division 3 out of 6 seasons under his guidance and is in-line for another in 2008.
The day Frank McCourt took over the Dodgers he told the press he would have preferred to own the Boston Red Sox. Since he took over as owner there have been three general managers and three field managers.
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