By Adam Dodge - Angelswin.com Senior Writer
In 2000, after spending the fall covering high school football for the Los Angeles Times in Orange County, I sought out various online baseball publications in an attempt to do some writing. The pickings were rather slim at that time and I was unable to find a good fit. Fast forward a few years to 2003. As the Internet grew and as the Angels reached the height of their popularity I searched again. I came across a few sites and blogs dedicated to the Angels. I sent emails to several people offering to provide content. Chuck Richter was the only one to respond. I am very grateful he did.
I began writing for Angelswin.com and its handful of members, including Victor, AngelClipperFaninOz, GogoTheHaloFan, John Ward and Chuck, almost immediately.
It’s hard to believe that just six years later the site has grown to be the Internet home to so many Angels fans. The stable of talented individuals, who produce articles, editorials, conduct interviews, create graphics and provide professional quality photos, who have joined Angelswin.com over the years — for nothing more than their love of baseball, the Angels and the occasional pat on the back — has been noticed by not only the community for which they do it, but by the outside, as well.
As many of you know, for the past few years I have performed stand-up comedy in and around Southern California. I bring this up to preface an interesting encounter I had last summer. I performed with a half dozen or so other comics at the Ice House in Pasadena. It was a good show in front of a packed house and for whatever reason my set went over incredibly well with the audience that night. Out on the patio after my set, a fellow comic and I shared a few laughs over beers when I was approached by a young man named Scott and his girlfriend. They were kind enough to congratulate me on a good set before Scott asked me the following question: “Are you the same Adam Dodge who writes for Angelswin.com?”
“That’s me,” I said, smiling.
Before I knew it, Scott and I had spent close to half an hour talking Angels baseball. Scott loved the site and expressed to me that he visited our blog daily.
I knew then that what Chuck had created and what so many have helped facilitate had become a legitimate product for baseball fans. It was extremely rewarding.
Just a couple of days ago, Rex Hudler spent considerable time during a radio broadcast talking about the site and next week Angelswin.com will be featured on Jeff Biggs’ show on 830 AM for the second time in a month.
Pretty incredible. I can’t wait to see where the site is in another six years.
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