The AngelsWin.com Summer Fanfest is coming soon! Next weekend, July 3rd more than a hundred AngelsWin.com members will gather in one accord in three separated events over the course of a full day.
First, in the morning at Hart Park in Orange County, four teams on two fields will go at it in tournament style softball. With 11 players on each team, the two teams that win the morning game which starts at 8:00 AM will face off against each other at 11:00 AM in the championship game.
Then at 2:00 PM to the right of Douglas entrance (off Katella at the Honda Center) in an area sectioned off with police tape, AngelsWin.com will host yet another massive tailgater. For the last three years, Tim Mead (Vice President of Communications) has come by to give a live Q&A with the AngelsWin.com members and fans in attendance. Be sure to stop by if you're not on the list to meet the writers, contributors and fans of AngelsWin.com as we enjoy good food, cold drinks and music provided by Geoff Bilau.
Lastly, several members will be watching the game in a suite we purchased for the night to take in the Angels vs. visiting Kansas City Royals. I also hear rumors of a post game party after the game is over. Be sure to ask about that when at the tailgater.
Here's some pictures from past softball games over the last four years for your enjoyment.