On March 5th, 2011 at Hail Marys Sports Bar in Tempe, AZ Angels prospect relievers Steven Geltz and Matt Oye came to attend the AngelsWin.com shindig and eat and fellowship with fans. Both Steve and Matt are pitchers in the organization and rising prospects. Steve had an incredible year in 2010, striking out 17.36 batters per 9.0 IP while Matt played at every level in the organization except the Major Leagues! For an interview that AngelsWin.com recorded with Steve Geltz in 2010, please click here.
Check out the video captured from Patti Heltzel of Steven Geltz and Matt Oye taking questions from the AngelsWin.com group in attendance.
Steven Geltz and Matt Oye talk to AngelsWin from AngelsWin.com on Vimeo.