Just because the team's season is over doesn't mean we can't keep having fun. So with that in mind, we are excited to announce our first ever AngelsWin.com Pumpkin Carving Contest!
So pumpkin carvers, it's time to show your stuff! Carve an "Angels Themed" pumpkin, post a picture of it on AngelsWin.com, our Facebook page or on Twitter and you'll be entered for a chance to win the AngelsWin.com t-shirt of your choice from the AngelsWin.com store HERE! The contest starts today and will run through midnight on Oct 30th. The winner will be announced on Oct. 31st ... HALO-ween!!!
* Contest runs Oct 15-Oct. 30th
* Pictures of pumpkin carvings can be submitted 1 of 3 ways ...
1) Post a picture in the contest link at AngelsWin.com HERE.
2) Post picture on the AngelsWin.com Facebook page HERE
3) Tweet your picture on Twitter. Twitter Tweets must include @AngelsWin
3) Tweet your picture on Twitter. Twitter Tweets must include @AngelsWin
* Pumpkin carvings must be "Angels themed." It can be a logo, a player's number, etc. Anything Angels related. The more creative the better.
* Pumpkin carvings must be original. If we can find a copy of your pumpkin picture on Google Images, you'll be disqualified.
* Winner will be selected by @ChuckRichter70 and @GeoffStoddart
* Winner will be announced on Oct. 31st.