
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Update On Last Month Or So In The MLB Fan Cave

By Danny Farris, Contributor - 

Halo fans! It's May 26th. We have won eight straight. We've got Weaver coming back this week. Our next three series are against the Dodgers, Astros, and Cubs. I literally just ate pizza. Things are going well right now.

I apologize for not keeping everybody up to date on the Fan Cave shenanigans. It's been an incredibly busy and amazing month and a half and it would be impossible for me to break everything down. So instead, I'm going to give you guys my most memorable, disappointing, and surprising moment so far.

Most Memorable:

This one is nearly impossible for me to name. Every player that comes to visit is awesome. They're all engaging and interested and tell funny stories. Every time we have a player visit, we say "alright that was the best one." However, gun to my head and have to pick one, it would be when the Mariners came to the Cave. It was Furbush, Wilhelmsen, Luetge, and Maurer. From the second they walked through the door, they were crazy, loud, joking around, and just in awe of what we do here. After the tour, we invited a bunch of fans in off the street and they got to hang out in here while the four Mariners made them frozen lemonade drinks.

Most Disappointing:

This one is easy. It's when the Rangers sent us their famous ballpark food. The food was amazing. It was an incredibly awesome gesture by them. Mina Park, the Rangers fan, wrote a blog about the food and the next thing we knew, two chefs were here serving us two foot long hot dogs and two pound hamburgers. The disappointing part was when I actually liked the Rangers for like half an hour. I was so upset with myself. I was in food heaven and wasn't thinking clearly. So while I look back on it and remember it as an extremely nice gesture and unbelievable food, it is definitely the most disappointed I've been in the Cave.

Most Surprising:

One of the coolest things about this experience is seeing the "other side" of players. Some players are pretty musically talented and the two that really stuck out were AJ Griffin and Jake Peavy. AJ sang us a song that he literally wrote himself. It was awesome. Jake Peavy is incredibly passionate about music and brought some of his country music buddies to come put on a mini show for us. Peavy can handle a guitar pretty well too. It's just awesome to learn more about just the players on the field.

So that's it for the first six or seven weeks of the Fan Cave. Of course, there has been a ton more and everything has been awesome. Just a couple days ago, Cano came and surprised one of his biggest fans, Nick, a 13 year old with leukemia, while we were all playing stickball in the street. All the videos are on I will try to update you guys more often. Like every week or every other week or something. Some weeks go by and nothing happens and some weeks go by and we have something everyday. So until the next blog...GO ANGELS!!