The second annual golf tournament will be held on Friday , June 20, 2014 at San Juan Hill Country Club in San Juan Capistrano. The format will be the same as last year a four man scramble with an 8:30 a.m. shotgun tee time.
The fees are $125 per person and includes green fees, range balls, cart and a buffet luncheon following the golf game. Proceeds will be donated to AngelsRBI, a non-profit organization benefiting inner-city youths by getting them introduced to the great game of baseball. All 32 MLB teams support this terrific organization nationwide.
At the luncheon there will be a raffle drawing with an outstanding array of prizes. In addition, each player will receive a goodie bag upon checking in and have the ability to purchase raffle tickets, closest to the pin and longest drive prizes. Also, there will be a $1,000 sponsored Hole In One contest on one of the par 3s.
A complete listing of prizes will be posted once the prize package is finalized.
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