This week we celebrate our 10th anniversary with an interview with long time member, yk9000. Paul brings intelligent (and controversial) topics for discussion to our forum, demonstrating a knack for getting things going when it comes to conversation threads on our website. A participant of our Softball Tournaments over the years, Paul has poured into AngelsWin.com in many ways over the years and we love him!
Let's find out a little about yk9000 in this week's member appreciation post.
AngelsWin.com: When and how did you first come to AngelsWin.com?
yk9000: I came over from the ESPN site when most everyone else did - the Great Migration of 2004.
AngelsWin.com: What keeps you coming back to the site?
yk9000: The smart-aleck posters, as well as the informative posters. I really like the forums. I like reading points of view different from my own. I know its a cliche, but I feel a kinship with a lot of people here, even though I have barely (or never) met them.
My kids, years ago, jokingly referred to this message board as the "nerd board". Nobody in my family even knows the name "Angelswin"... its just known as "the nerd board". I like that.
AngelsWin.com: What have been some of your favorite articles and threads?
yk9000: I liked the all-time greatest games articles. I also like any thread, baseball related or not, that goes off the rails, in a direction completely opposite of its original topic. Nutswingers vs. Failos is like catnip for me.
AngelsWin.com: What in-person events have you attended from AngelsWin.com (Spring/Summer Fanfests, Charity Golf, Charity Softball)?
yk9000: I've been to several softball games over the years, and have enjoyed every one of them. I am not much of a fan of Spring Training, and as a CPA, it isn't in a convenient time, so I won't be making it out to Tempe.
I've made it to a few happy hours, and bailed on a couple others that I promised to attend - one of which Blarg made Raisin Roundies ( a running joke on one of the Hangout threads) for me. I still feel bad about that.
AngelsWin.com: Why is AngelsWin.com your internet home for the Angels?
yk9000: I get all the information I need in one stop.
AngelsWin.com: In your opinion, what is AngelsWin.com’s best feature: the articles, charitable events, game-day chat, message boards, Fanfests, podcasts, etc?
yk9000: 1. Message boards. 2. Message boards. 3. Message boards.
Lighter Side
AngelsWin.com: Where do you live and what do you do?
yk9000: Lakewood, CA. I am controller and compliance officer for an investment firm.
AngelsWin.com: Why are you an Angels fan?
yk9000: I was born in Northridge, CA, but lived all over the country growing up. I never really had a home team to root for until high school. I lived in Maryland, and was a pretty big Orioles fan. We moved back out to Southern California in 1983, and I found it harder and harder to root for a team across the country (this was pre-internet). And, my team, the Orioles, went from having such homegrown talent, to signing free agents like Fred Lynn and Ray Knight, guys I had no connection with. I think that is one of the reasons I don't like FA signings today.
Anyways, I went on my first date with my wife, Judy, in 1990 to an Angels game. Her grandparents were original season ticket holders, and our seats were right behind the visitor's dugout. It was an easy switch to make the Angels. The early 1990s Angels teams were terrible, but the seats were great. I got hooked on the Angels.
AngelsWin.com: What was your first Angels game that you remember? Who’d you go with?
yk9000: Spring 1985 - I went with my college buddy, Rich. A day game against the A's, in the old Big A set up. Upper deck, near the LF foul pole.
AngelsWin.com: Who have been your favorite players? Why? Any great stories or interactions with them?
yk9000: I like Scot Shields. I loved those years of dominance from him, with little 'maintenance'. Actually, I am pretty partial to anyone from that 2002 team (except the lousy startiing pitching).
AngelsWin.com: How do you survive the offseason?
yk9000: NFL Red Zone
AngelsWin.com: What’s one thing you’d like everyone in AngelsWin.com to know about you?
yk9000: Not one damn thing :)